About Us - Enrolments

Waiting List 

The FAPS is licensed to care for children who are at least three years of age. Families can register their child on our waiting list as soon as their child is born, or even before.

The French-Australian Preschool Program operates along the timetable set out by the ACT Department of Education. This means that the majority of children start at the preschool on the first day of Term 1 following their 3rd birthday.  Children who turn three between the first day of Term 1 and April 30 can start at the Preschool as soon as they turn 3.

To place your child on our waiting list, complete our Waiting List Registration Form and return it to the Preschool. A non-refundable fee of $150 is also required to secure your registration.


Offers of placement are based on a point system. The points can be gained under three main categories:

  1. First category: connection with France or a French speaking country
  2. Second category: French language based
  3. Third category: commitment to adding value to the preschool community

In May each year prior to the year a child is due to start, families receive an invitation to an Open Day and, shortly afterwards, are asked to complete a questionnaire.

Families' responses to the questionnaire are assessed to determine the number of points allocated to their child's application.  When families have obtained the same number of points, places are offered in the chronological order in which their child was registered on the waiting list.

Processing of offers

In 2024, the preschool will start sending offers for Petite Section de Maternelle 2025 to families in the month of July preceding the child's expected year of entry.
Upon receiving a place offer, families have the following three options:

  • Accepting the offer : a deposit equivalent to 2 weeks' fees must be paid to confirm acceptance. Please note that this amount is not refunded in the event that the child doesn't start at the preschool. 
  • Remaining on the waiting list : to be considered for a Petite Section start the following year. Please note that remaining on the waiting list does not guarantee a place to a child.
  • Declining the offer: the child is permanently removed from the Waiting List.